It all started with Downtown Los Angeles. The Ocean Group turned the revitalizing district into a “can’t miss” destination. We learned a lot and we turned this gargantuan project into a great success that led to a decade-long relationship with them. What we learned led to more projects with other business districts and destinations. We learned a lot more and then we realized that we had created a suite of software and services that could be helpful to any district or destination marketer. We packaged all of the elements and tools into Saltwater Software and offered the products and the services as a one-stop solution. Saltwater Software can get your district or destination marketing up, designed, and running in no time, for a fraction of the cost of building it all from scratch. And we have the expertise that comes from 15 years’ experience doing it. Funny how building something can lead to building something totally new.
Saltwater Software
District and destination marketers, your success has arrived. Ahead of schedule.


- Analytics, Content Development, Email Marketing, Search Marketing, Technology, Video and Photography, Website Design

Let the Ocean Group help you grow your brand

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